How will this project affect residents in the neighborhood?
Our planning team is committed to creating a public process that enables all local residents and businesses to participate in the creation of a shared vision. The end result of this planning process will be a Plan to improve the quality of life and safety for current residents.
How long will the planning process take?
Initial outreach will happen over the next 9 months. Developing a Choice Neighborhoods Plan document that reflects community values will happen after this.
Does the planning process include construction of new housing?
No, this process only includes planning. Construction could happen at a later date. HACG and its partners are committed to finding resources and funding to implement the community’s Plan.
Will residents need to move as part of the Plan?
The Choice Plan is specifically related to community conversations. Throughout the planning process, everyone’s ideas will be heard and will come together to create a Choice Neighborhood Plan. If housing transformation moves forward, residents may be required to temporarily relocate – but this will only be after PHA provides a written notice to each affected family, has a community-wide relocation meeting, and talks to affected families individually to determine each family’s housing and relocation needs. Peoria South residents will then be offered other relocation housing options. PHA will ensure that current residents will have the first choice and opportunity to move back into the revitalized property.